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20 Men Answered Questions Women Don't Be REALLY Asking Like That...

Writer's picture: Rachel GRachel G

So I Asked Them For You...

Dear Fellas,

Can y'all answer some questions for the ladies?

I can't speak for all ladies but what I can do is ask questions to men... Anonymously. Out of the 20 men I asked, I picked the most interesting responses.

How about we ask men questions that we’ve always wondered but never really ask them? We talk about the possible answers to these questions with our friends but hardly ever to the guys we are into or want to get to know. You got left off the hook today because I already asked them for you.

I created a survey of popular questions that the ladies want men to answer. So I asked them ...and they answered. Let’s analyze together ya’ll:

Question #1: Do guys talk about ladies like ladies talk about guys?

"How do ladies talk about guys 🤨😂🤔"

"Not really. You people are CRUEL haha. We might talk about people we barely know or are just getting to know: Oh she's fat, she's cute, I want her, NO WAY, Oh I heard she puts out.... But you ladies. You have a tendency to partner up with a dude for YEARS and then suddenly its all "Oh he's not shit, he's never been shit and I was faking it the whole time" Oh...well ok then"

"Yes, however, I think most guys do that with a few select friends because the idea of open dialogue with a large group of men is perceived as weak or soft."

"Yes, most guys do for bragging rights. But I’m a treasure chest."

"Yes! Only ALL THE TIME!"

"I don’t know how ladies talk about guys but I definitely tell my boys everything"

"Depends on the group of guys. Me and my guys discuss expectations in relationships."

"Not as in depth. But guys talk."

"Absolutely. Good friends, regardless of gender, are there to ensure their boys don’t get hurt. Stamp of approval is often needed."

Question #2: What are big turn-offs for guys?


"Bad hygiene, unmotivated and lack of ambition"

"Trying to hard. Being controlling"

"Women that are super clingy and judgmental.

"Bad attitude, bad hygiene."

"Bad attitudes!"

"Attention seeking women that look for validation from others outside of their significant other. Gold diggers, lack of ambition and cigarette smokers."


"Bad attitude"

"Still acting unconfident after the 200th time of telling you that we think you're beautiful.


"Women who think that being a “Bad B,” is the goal. Real men want a wife that they can build with."

Question #3: What are things ladies do that turn you on?

"Be their real true natural self"

"Dressing nicely and tastefully and still looking phenomenal. Men like when you leave something to the imagination."

"Look at me. It doesn't take much more than that I'm into you"

"Cook, clean, and seduce"

"The fact that women exist turns me on!"

"A woman who believes your dreams, and build you up in your current state"

"Unexpected texts"

"A woman that invest in her life, health, wealth, mind, body and soul."

"Pretty smile slight touch (flirting)"

"Be extroverted. Make the first move every now and then."

Question #4: What’s your favorite thing for a woman to wear?

"Not my hoodies"


"High socks or stockings"

"Anything she is comfortable in and pigtails"

"Fitted dress and heels… anything that shows off her shape and makes her feel good."

"Gym clothes lol"

"Before Intimacy: Lingerie. On the reg, modest but a lil edgy"


"Casual look. Jeans nice top"



Question #5: What Do You Notice First About A Woman?"


"Her Confidence"

"A woman that has natural beauty without makeup"

"Her spirit , walk, and talk—the physical is a bonus"

"Her energy"

"Face or body, depending on the angle"


"Smile. Good pearly white teeth are huge for me."

"THE COLOR OF HER SOUL or her ass.... Well really I just like a good face."

"Her Eyes"

Question #6: Do you like women better with a lot of makeup on or without a lot of makeup?

"The right amount for the right situation"


"Depends on where we are going and what we are doing. There’s a place and time for all of that."

"No Makeup"

"WITHOUT !!! Put some lipgloss on and keep it pushing."

"Without a lot of makeup. Faster get ready times!"

"Without make up"

"I'm in the middle. I prefer as natural as possible but some makeup can really bring out or enhance natural black beauty."

"I absolutely can appreciate makeup that is artfully and properly applied. If it's just covering a completely different looking person underneath thats not going to be so great. I love a natural look too, especially the face of the woman I love."

"Without a lot of make-up"

Question #7: Would you care if your lady had a lot of guy friends?

"As long as your honestly friends no"

"Not really. As long she doesn’t spend all day talking to them."


"Doesn't Matter"

"A few is cool but not too many"

"No. Anyone should be allowed platonic friendships regardless of gender"

"In theory no. No problem at all. However it's like 8/10 times you have some dudes just waiting around for you. This shit is always obvious, doesn't speak well of you or your emotional intelligence and is just sad. So you YOU dear reader whom I'm describing, stop doing that shit! A friend is a friend though, it doesnt mean anything else, and its importance can't be understated."

"No. I have a lot of female friends."


"In the beginning yes. It would take time to build trust. I wouldn't trust the guy friends more-so than my woman."


Question #8: What would you want to do on a first date?

"Meet the person God has chosen for me"

"Go out for a drink or some dinner."

"Something artistic, considering I’m a artist myself."

"Have a drink in a park or on a beach and just talk.... no tvs or phones just each other's company."

"Meet an old bookstore!"

"Talk…ask a lot of questions and see if we give."

"Find out what makes her most doubtful about herself, commit it to memory.(only use for good) / Go to the Scientology movie theater just to laugh at their propaganda."

"Dinner or movie"

"Dinner and getting to know each other"

"Get drinks, maybe some food, and see where it goes from there."

Question #9: Do you care about a girl's body count?



"Not really. If you've got some super high number though I may have some questions lol"

"To some degree. Ignorance is bliss if it’s 10+"


"To an extent. If she's just letting everyone in, I steer away from those because they're careless and they may be careless about safe sex."

"Not really as long as it’s not too many."

"Who said anything about your history? LOL"

"Umm, not as long she gives me her love and don’t have flirtatious ways."

"Sort of. That can be a problem at some point possibly lol"

Question #10: "Supp Baby... Take Me Out to Dinna...LOL What are your thoughts about paying for dates? Would you want to pay? Would you want to split it?"

"If I ask you out on a date I’m paying every time"

"I feel rude if I don’t pay and deny others the opportunity to split lol"

"It’s cool as long the first date is reasonable. I wouldn’t go no where too pricey seeing that there’s no bond there."

"Paying for dinner is great" "I'd want to pay! But not opposed to a woman offering to pay."

"I always pay 100% of the time. A woman should never pay for a date unless it’s her surprise"

"I don’t do dinner until after the first couple of dates where I find out if I really like a person. I while dating it just all depends on who invites who and if I want to just go ahead and pay for everything at the time."

"Willing to pay but if she offers to split It says something!"

"If I was asked in those exact words, I'm out LOL In general I'm used to hacving women split or alternate at this point."

"I've never split on a first date. I think it's okay for a girl to pay for a date occasionally. Its not expected but it shows a girl isnt just all about herself. Splitting is weird. But regardless of the person who pays, it'd be acceptable for the other person to offer to tip."

"I don't mind paying"

Question #11: And last one...Do you like when girls make the first move?


"Yes 👍 yes" "Love it! Keeps me out of the "me too" reticle"

"Yes. Huge turn on."

"Definitely not opposed to it. When someone is feeling right, whether man or woman, they need to show their intentions and make that move"

"Equally matched."

"It doesn’t matter to me. It helps though, because I’m often oblivious to flirtation. Lol"

"Absolutely. Depending on what move we are talking about I may pause just to let her know She doesn't have to. But nothing wrong with a woman knowing what she wants either."

"It’s nice occasionally"

"LOVE IT! Especially when you feel the chemistry there."

So ladies... what do ya'll think? Did these answers surprise you or were they confirmed what you already knew?

So fellas...thank you for being so honest and transparent .

I hope ya'll learned something new. Most of the relationships I’ve been in have been great but they wouldn't last. Sometimes I would find myself unfulfilled because I couldn’t really connect on a level where I had really good and mutual communication with that person. If we start having these conversations revealing what we are really thinking, maybe we can start having more empathy for each other.

Happy Valentines Day Lovers.

Love, Rach


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